2023 SECedu Conference
The SECedu Conference presents an unparalleled opportunity for cyber security professionals, educators, researchers, and students to immerse themselves in a dynamic event dedicated to advancing cyber security education. With its combination of workshops, panels, keynote presentations, and networking opportunities, the conference serves as a nexus for knowledge exchange, fostering innovation and collaboration at the intersection of cyber security and education.
Delegates gain insights that empower them to shape the next generation of cyber defenders, equipping them with the necessary skills to navigate the increasingly complex digital landscape. Whether you are an educator or a practitioner aiming to stay abreast of the latest industry shifts, or a student exploring career prospects, the SECedu Conference is Australia’s leading cyber security education forum.
Industry Panel
The industry panel brought together leaders and experts from the Australian cyber security sector. Through reflective discussions and candid insights, the panel offered delegates a unique opportunity to gain firsthand perspectives on current industry challenges, trends, and innovative solutions.
Academic Panel
The academic panel showcased the collective wisdom of Australia’s leading teachers in the field of cyber security education. The panel presented delegates with invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of cyber security education.
Student Panel
The student panel featured the voices of tomorrow’s cyber security leaders, providing a platform for emerging talents to share their perspectives, aspirations, and experiences within the field.
Engaging discussions and personal accounts offered delegates insight into both challenges and innovation that drive the next generation of cyber security professionals.
Keynote Speakers